About us

   About our team

  Our strength is in our team. The CAHI team is a unique collection of proficient, committed and empathetic medical professionals who combine their skills and experience to deliver the highest quality of health care.

  Doctors, nurses, specialists, physiotherapists, mental health consultants - the CAHI team is a multidimensional, multidisciplinary health team. Together, we work to provide personalized, effective care that addresses the unique health needs of our community.

  We are proud of our diverse, talented and dedicated staff. It is because of them that CAHI is able to deliver the highest quality health care. Our team doesn't just treat - our team cares, listens and supports.

  We believe in the strength of our community and in our ability to co-create a healthy environment for all of us. We invite you to meet our team and work together for the health of our community.

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